Telangana Government led by K Chandrasekhar Rao is a synonym of controversies. The latest controversy is the government’s decision to levy Entry Tax on all the vehicles coming from Andhra Pradesh. Many believe that this decision is aimed at hitting out the private bus operators and transport agencies who are mostly from AP.
80% of the Private buses coming to Hyderabad cancelled their operations from last night after the Entry Tax came in to effect. Several lorries coming from AP were also hit by this tax and as a result, commodities prices are increasing. If AP also replicates the same, people of both the states will suffer to satisfy the ego of the Telangana government.
Few Private operators have filed a petition in Hyderabad High Court over this issue. They have pressed up on the point that it is not legally ethical to collect tax for entering in to the common capital, Hyderabad. While Telangana government attorneys defended the government’s decision of collecting the tax.
The court had granted temporary relief in this issue. It permitted the petitioners to operate with out paying Taxes till the next hearing but asked them to submit a declaration at the check posts. However this exception is made only to those appealed to the court. Remaining have to pay the tax or stay idle with out business until the court takes a final decision. The next hearing is posted to Tuesday.
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