D-day has finally arrived in Hyderabad and the city is gripped with high tension with police cordoning off entire city erecting checkposts in all important locations turning it into a virtual fortress. It will be a daunting task for police as yesterday itself they somehow managed to successfully finish of Ganesh idol immersion well in advance with everyone gripped with march fever.
With International summit on Diversity tomorrow and entire world’s attention focused on Hyderabad, even unwanted and unsocial elements try their best to gain attention by creating some havoc. Telangana protests have always been violent going by the past experiences and with Maoists pledging their support and march organizers warning Govt of dire consequences if they are stopped battle lines are drawn.
City always wakes up with news of any person with connection to Hyderabad caught any where in the country for alleged terror links. This already bought bad name for the city. Now with many unsocial elements and even terrorist sleeper cells operating, it will be a difficult task for police who have been going soft for political reasons on these elements. It has to be seen how they will handle the situation and keep image of Brand Hyderabad intact.
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