In an unfortunate incident, the scuffle between two students led to the death of one. The incident was reported in a private school in Hyderabad. Going into details, a fight broke between two tenth class students of a private school in Abids on Monday over a petty issue. It apparently started when Siddiqui entered into altercation with his classmate and the duo fought with fists resulting in injuries for Siddiqui.
Siddiqui had been rushed to a private hospital where he succumbed to the injuries on Wednesday. Police are investigating the case that what led to the altercation. The incident has yet again thrown light on the lack of proper care by school managements
Meanwhile, many social activists are also pointing out at the noxious doses of violence depicted in movies which have a great influence on kids, and how parents of students are not aware of attitude, behaviour of their own children. Also equal blame lies with teachers who’re failing to put them on right track. Whatever, the country has lost one bright young boy and the parents of the boy must be going through intense sorrow, grief that no one can console.
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