To make his latest movie ‘Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu’ create panic among people, it looks like director Ram Gopal Varma has now come up another attention centric song. This time the song ‘Caste Feeling’ explains that there is no wrong in having such feelings.
Varma makes his point like this: When our country follows the notion ‘Unity in diversity’, why is it wrong to talk about caste feeling and to have a love for own caste people? When the country itself runs on reservations, what is wrong in having ‘caste feeling’?
Media saying that ‘Kulam adigina vaadu gaadidha’ is wrong because our constitution itself is empowering castes and reservations add more to it. Political parties allot tickets based on castes, but how come they say caste feeling is wrong. Varma made a logical point here, but here is forgetting something called ethics.
More on the song, Varma and Ravi Shankar’s voice as they render this ‘caste feeling’ is horrible to listen, while the lyrics don’t sound catchy and rhyming, but only sound like a piece of article that rants against the system that ridicules ‘caste system’. It’s a horrible narrative from Varma on Caste Feeling anyway!
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