Chunkey Pandey’s daughter Ananya’s picture went viral after it has been posted on social media. What made everyone in surprise is director Farah Khan complimented her which turned out to be quite ugly for those who didn’t understand the meaning.
Farah said that Ananya looked so beautiful that she needs to get her DNA test done to prove that she is the daugther of Chunkey Pandey. While everyone have been posting sweet comments, Farah’s comments did not go well with many. Though Chunkey Pandey is said to be upset, he did not react much about this.
However during his recent interview with a leading daily, Chunkey said “I take that as a compliment and I really know what she mean’t. She is one darling friend of mine and I am not much bothered about other things. We usually crack such jokes and we share some great sense of humour”.
In fact, what Farah said is all humour only.
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