Recently an university in Gujarat has awarded a honorary doctorate to actress Vidya Balan, whom India got know to after she stripped heavily for the unofficial biopic of South’s sex-symbol Silk Smitha. In this lines, some other universities are also getting ready to honour few other heroines. This happening has led to a debate about how doctorates are conferred to film-stars, especially these hot heroines.
Couple of other actresses are also awarded these honorary doctorates by some reputed universities like Sharmila Tagore and Shabana Azmi. But cine lovers feel that those actresses have bought reputation to Indian films with their terrific acting prowess rather going ‘dirty’ and ‘vulgar’ on silver screen.
Compared to them Vidya Balan is nothing, and there is no movie that boasts about her acting talent after Dirty Picture, while Kahaani falls under director’s work. The university that awarded doctorate stated that they are moved by the women empowerment done by Vidya Balan.
What is that women empowerment some universities are talking about these sex-symbols? ‘Is flaunting skin on silver screen is women empowerment? If so there are many item-girls and vamp-role playing artists to get such doctorates’, asks a few. Anyway, after getting these doctorates we have to call these heroines as “Doctor.” No words.
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