According to grapevine, India’s ace director S Shankar is getting ready to release his latest marvel on the eve of Pongal. As the Vikram, Amy Jackson starrer “I-Manoharudu” happens to be a huge budgeted fantasy entertainer, it needs a big holiday season to cash at the box office.
All these days, unfinished visual effects work and AR Rahman’s delayed background score led to massive postponement of “I” release. Seems like, everything is on track now and movie’s first copy will be ready by mid-December. As trade circuits have also requested Shankar to release the movie during best season, he is now contemplating Sankranthi release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi simultaneously.
But this will be a sure bomb on all Sankranthi releases except the likes of Pawan-Venky’s Gopala Gopala. Small films will find theatres but Shankar’s stunning presence makes the boats tough to sail. Let us wait for official confirmation before coming to any conclusion.
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