Narendra Modi for quite some time has been in the terror hit list and also in the hit list of many anti-social elements. Threat perception increased after Gujarat riots and once he became Prime Minister, his decisions to act tough against Pakistan, signing anti-terror pacts with countries across the world, infuriated terror groups.
It is now coming out that Human Bomb threat looms large on PM Modi during his visit to Bihar. Intelligence sources warned that well trained human bombs are likely to target PM Modi. Sources warn that women maoists may turn human bombs and try to explode on Modi either at Patna or at Muzaffarpur.
Bihar government increased security following the alert in an unprecedented manner. Government also directed top officials to arrange special security for PM. On 27th Oct, 2012, when Modi was addressing a rally during general elections at Patna, serial bomb blasts rocked the vicinity resulting in 100 injured and 5 dead.
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