Mamta Trivedi, who represented Telangana at the Mrs India 2017 pageant, has won the coveted title beating 48 other contestants from across the nation. By winning the title at 47, she proved that age doesn’t really matter if one has confidence and hard working nature.
Originally from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Mamta’s family moved to Hyderabad 50 years ago. A graduate of Osmania University, Mamta married Pankaj Trvedi in 1990 and she has a son and a daughter with him. Her penchant for fitness kept her motivated all through these years.
Trivedi credited the support given by her husband and children as the reason for her winning the Mrs India title at the age of 47. She had to stay away from junk food and hit gym for four months to place herself in the competition. Winning Mrs India title has now made Trivedi eligible to represent India in many international beauty contests in 2017.
Mamta Trivedi said that she is passionate about creating awareness among women and take up philanthropic activities.
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