Rumors were rife that Producer Anil Sunkara is no longer part of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film ‘1 – Nenokkadine’ after a tiff with his partners Gopi Achanta and Ram Achanta. The reports say, Anil incurred huge losses with his directorial debut ‘Action 3D’ and he is now trying not to land in a financial crisis by walking out of ‘1’ which was a cost failure product.
Its an undeniable fact that the budget of ‘1’ has gone beyond the early estimates to become the costliest project in the career of Mahesh Babu. Neverthless, makers are confident about seeing profits with the help of Mahesh’s Box Office stamina and Sukumar’s high quality product. The recent hike in the ticket prices in Andhra Pradesh too came as a blessing in disguise for the 14 Reels Entertainment. Hope for the best!
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