Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma has been attacking on many things in the recent couple of days. First he took on actor Paris Attacks, and advised that all Gods should hold conference and come to peace. Later he took very strongly on Aamir Khan and then shifted focus to CBFC chief Pankal Nihalani. Finally, he landed on Pawan and Chiranjeevi again.
RGV has today stated in a TV interview, about Pawan and Chiranjeevi. “I like Pawan Kalyan’s personality but not as a star. But I’m a huge fan of Chiranjeevi, and the star in him, but not to his personality”, cuts Ramu, putting his point straight.
Talking more about Chiranjeevi, he said: “I’ve seen most of Chiranjeevi’s movies in theatres, standing in queues for tickets, and sometimes buying black tickets. I’ve watched all of his movies, including the recent 150th film”. Oops, what did he said? 150th Film? “In my view, Bruce Lee is Chiranjeevi’s 150th film. Whatever that comes later is 151st movie only.
And to set things straight, numbers doesn’t matter for Chiranjeevi. For example Baahubali is a big hit, how does it matters if it is Rajamouli’s 15th film or 16th film?” quips Varma. “I’ll call it as 151st movie only. Even media should call it that way”, he adds. Promoting his latest movie “Killing Veerappan”, RGV made these comments.
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