After a brief hiatus from playing lead roles, one of Bollywood’s leading ladies, Kareena Kapoor Khan, has returned to the silver screen with the stupendously successful Bhajrangi Bhaijaan. The film has collected over 70 crores in its opening weekend and is looking to rake in more moolah this week. Interacting with the media during a success meet, Kareena revealed her plans about motherhood.
“As of now there are no plans (to have children) and I am very clear about it. Of course I will be a mother someday but not for the next two three years. It is not even a thought,” Kareena said. The 34 year old actress also said that she is thoroughly cherishing every moment of her married life with Saif Ali Khan and that her immediate priority is her career.
Talking about her career, Kareena said that she has always been proud of her films and that she chose to do commercial films, despite being married as balancing commercial films and good entertaining films is very important for any actress.
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