Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been very vocal against the Bollywood movie mafia post the tragic death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Kangana is giving a counter to each and every one of them who are taking pot-shots at her on social media and it took an ugly turn when Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut entered into the scene.
I see many people are threatening me to not come back to Mumbai so I have now decided to travel to Mumbai this coming week on 9th September, I will post the time when I land at the Mumbai airport, kisi ke baap mein himmat hai toh rok le ?
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 4, 2020
The Shiv Sena leader in fact advised Kangana not to come to Mumbai if she has no trust on Mumbai Police. Then Kangana compared Mumbai with Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. This sparked a debate and many politicians slammed Kangana and she has been receiving threats. They went to the extent that whenever she land in Mumbai, they would attack her.
Countering all of them, Kangana sometime back tweeted that she is coming to Mumbai on 9th of September. She also added that she will share the timing of her flight landing and threw a challenge that if anyone has enough guts to stop her, they should come to the airport.
“I see many people are threatening me to not come back to Mumbai so I have now decided to travel to Mumbai this coming week on 9th September, I will post the time when I land at the Mumbai airport, kisi ke baap mein himmat hai toh rok le,” tweeted Kangana.
Seems like Kangana is in no mood to calm down against the Bollywood movie mafia and their supporters. Let’s see what happens on September 9th.
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