Telangana Chief Minister KCR’s OSD (Officer on Special Duty)-lyricist-singer Desapati Srinivas made sensational comments against ace director Puri Jagannadh. Venting out his anger and frustration, visibly shaken and emotional Desapati stated that he will slap director Puri Jagannadh if Puri comes across him.
Desapati alleged that Puri is “misleading” the students through his films and “belittling”, “insulting” women and teachers of the society. Speaking at a college seminar in Medak, Desapati made aforesaid comments courting a major controversy.
He further quoted Puri’s statement in an interview that “making message-oriented films and people-welfare films hold no significance and of no use” Desapati said, “One could understand the attitude, behaviour of Puri Jagannadh with his statement.”
It may be noted that Puri’s previous film “Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu” made with the intention of strengthening “national unity” and “increasing national integrity” receievd brickbats from the protestors of the region.
In fact, the screening of the film was “blocked” as protestors staged dharnas in front of theatres against to the film and thus affected the revenue of the film in a big way. Since then, there seems to be a mild anger against director Puri Jagannadh among such group. Let’s wait and see how Puri reacts to it now.
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