Debuting Mega hero Varun Tej is all set with his first flick ‘Mukunda’ to rock theatres. As the Srikanth Addala’s directorial got its audio unveiled, veteran director K Raghavendra Rao heaped praises on the movie and took oath to watch the flick five times. But why five, is it just a number or there is any reason? K Raghavendra Rao has started opening his mouth recently, and since then his talk has been entertaining and crazy.
Coming to Mukunda, he said that five people are making him watch the movie five times. ‘For director Srikanth, hero Varun Tej, heroine Pooja Hegde, Mickey J Meyer’s enthralling music and Sirivennela’s lyrics, I’ll watch the flick five times’, said KRR. Mukunda’s visuals are looking highly promising and probably as said by KRR it would be watchable again and again. Let us see.
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