Talk about young director Kumar Nagendra, and film nagar folks reveal about his impressive narrative skills that could catch any hero. Known as protege of Krishna Vamsi, this youngster made his directorial debut with Lakshmi Manchu’s classic flop ‘Gundello Godari’ and this is how the story goes.
With debut flick going for a toss, it will be tough for any other director to find another producer for second movie. But due to the proximity he has with hero Sundeep, this director got ‘Joru’ on the track. And to anyone’s excitement, even that flick turned another disaster.
The film sank without any trace at box office. Adored by two beautiful flops in his kitty, none will expected Kumar Nagendra to direct another film very sooner. The other day his next flick featuring Nara Rohit got rolled.
It’s time for cine critics to wonder about Kumar Nagendra and the way he is bringing new projects onto floors despite scoring only flips. Looks like this director ha more ‘catching’ skills than movie making and narration skills. Earlier we have seen Meher Ramesh playing similar role in Tollywood. Hope Kumar Nagendra doesn’t end up like him.
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