Chandrababu Naidu, the longest-serving chief minister in the history of the Telugu states, has topped the list of the richest chief ministers in India. According to recent media reports, he is ranked first with declared assets worth ₹931 crore. Naidu’s wealth primarily stems from his family’s successful business, Heritage Foods, which has been operational since 1992. Under the leadership of his wife, Bhuvaneswari, and daughter, Brahmani, Heritage Foods has grown into one of the leading companies in the dairy industry, known for its consistent performance and stable profits, contributing significantly to the family’s wealth.
In comparison, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prema Khandu ranks second with assets amounting to ₹332 crore, while Karnataka’s Siddaramaiah follows closely with ₹51 crore.
On the other hand, Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, is the poorest among Indian CMs, with assets worth just ₹15 lakh—an amount lower than the average wealth of many professionals in India today.
Here’s a snapshot of the wealthiest and least wealthy CMs in India:
Top 3 Richest CMs of India:
Chandrababu Naidu: ₹931 crore
Prema Khandu: ₹332 crore
Siddaramaiah: ₹51 crore
CMs with the Maximum Criminal Cases:
Revanth Reddy: 89
MK Stalin: 47
Chandrababu Naidu: 32
CMs with the Least Assets:
Mamata Banerjee: ₹15 lakh
Omar Abdullah: ₹55 lakh
Pinarayi Vijayan: ₹1 crore
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