India is poised to lead globally with transformative technologies, affirmed Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science and Technology. Speaking at the “Technology Dialogue 2025” at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru, Singh introduced the “Vision India Techade”, setting the stage for India’s role as a leader in global innovation and technology.
Singh emphasized that science and technology will be the backbone of India’s transformation into a global hub for innovation, economic growth, and solutions to global challenges such as climate change and public health. He highlighted key initiatives like the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), the National Quantum Mission, and the India AI mission as essential for achieving this vision.
India’s commitment to making the 2020s a “Techade for India” was a key point, with Singh noting the importance of strategic international collaborations to solidify India’s place as a global technology leader. He stressed the need to work with like-minded nations to advance technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and green hydrogen.
The Minister also emphasized the importance of integrating cross-sectoral synergies, such as combining AI with biotechnology or quantum computing with secure communication systems, to maximize the societal and economic impact. He underscored the importance of ethical technology governance, responsible innovation, and robust intellectual property protections to ensure that technological progress benefits everyone.
The event also showcased India’s thriving startup ecosystem, home to over 100 unicorns and a supportive policy environment, positioning the country as an attractive destination for foreign direct investments in frontier technologies. Singh emphasized the importance of strong intellectual property rights frameworks to foster global investor confidence and encourage equitable technology sharing.
Additionally, the role of the Indian diaspora in strengthening international partnerships was highlighted, with initiatives like the VAIBHAV Summit and OCI Scientist Scheme facilitating collaboration between Indian innovators abroad and domestic stakeholders. These efforts are key to driving co-innovation and capacity-building.
Singh concluded by stating that India’s technological journey is about contributing to global progress while ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth. With its vast talent pool, dynamic startups, and global partnerships, India is well-positioned to lead the world in the future powered by transformative technologies.
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