Megastar Chiranjeevi’s youngest daughter, Srija is all set to get married to her classmate, Kalyan today. The couple threw a Sangeeth Party last night at their Bengaluru farm house. It was masthi all the night with family members and friends. Mega heroes particularly enjoyed a lot and came up with several good performances.
Major highlight of the show is Megastar Chiranjeevi who danced for some hit numbers of the family. Those who watched him dance are raving about it saying that the old Megastar is very much round the corner. Given his prestigious 150th film is round the corner, this update is really really exciting.
The marriage will take place at the farm house tonight. Industry folks are not invited for the wedding but celebrities across the country will be gracing the reception arranged at Park Hyatt hotel, Hyderabad on the 31st of March. Media is not allowed for the marriage event but may be allowed to the Reception event.
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