Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal is making a comeback to Telugu film industry after a long with Young Tiger NTR’s Janatha Garage. His presence in the film is considered as an asset for the film. The makers of the film have committed to 1.5 Crore plus the Malayalam dubbing rights of the film as his remuneration.
Basing on the market of NTR’s previous films in Kerala, they arrived at a conclusion that the rights will not be sold for more than 1.5 Crore and so 3 Crore is a fair remuneration for the Malayalam Superstar. However the movie rights were picked up for a whopping 4 Crore in Kerala. That means Mohanlal had drawn a sensational amount of 5.5 Crore for the film.
NTR completed Janatha Garage shoot in Mumbai schedule and back to Hyderabad!Next schedule most likely start in a week from now. The makers have already announced their release plan. The movie is being planned for August 12th release as Independence day Special. The release date will work in favour of the film as Independence day holiday comes on Monday and the movie will have an extended weekend at the box office to register strong openings.
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