Earlier, when opposition attacked Chiranjeevi, either he or his former PRP colleagues like Ramachandraiah or Ganta Srinivasa Rao used to respond. Now senior Congress leaders are giving strong replies to the critics of Chiru. When TDP called Chiranjeevi a �Daga Star�, minister Danam Nagender, government chief whip Gandra Venkata Ramana Reddy and others strongly responded.
Though the High Command has not been very much satisfied with the performance of the Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy, it had not replaced him as Sonia Gandhi promised not to frequently replace Chief Ministers and stuck to her word. Her mother-in-law used to listen to complaints of dissidents against Chief Ministers and frequently change them. Sonia Gandhi took an entirely different stand and tried to rather enforce discipline among the party leaders, than allowing them to weaken the top man.
Still, Sonia would be free to choose the next Chief Minister as her obligation towards Kiran Kumar Reddy would end by 2014 say sources. It is because of this increased importance to Chiru that Kiran Kumar Reddy is some times getting irritated say sources. Kiran grew wild when Chiru started making public statements on the power tariff hike and even threw off a letter written by him in rage, said sources. There are strong indications about the growing importance of Chiranjeevi in the Congress echelons feel observers. Sensing the mood of the High Command, even Kiran�s staunch supporters are keeping Chiru in good moods by regularly meeting him, say sources in the Congress party. Even senior leaders are admitting that the beleaguered Congress has no other option for the top post and for facing the elections.
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