Superstar Mahesh Babu is going to work with a non-Telugu director after a long time for a new film that will start rolling after the actor wrapping up his ongoing project Brahmotsavam which will grace the theaters in May. The new flick set in the backdrop of Mumbai and to be directed by AR Murugadoss is said to be an action thriller to be made on a budget of 100 crore.
From past few days, there have been reports that, Murugadoss is making the film with same script which was previously rejected by Tamil actor Ajith. Condemning the reports, Murugadoss has clarified that, it is a fresh script. ‘Rumours !!! Mahesh babu’s film is a fresh script,’ concluded Murugadoss.
Fact is Murugadoss who made his directorial debut with Ajith starred Dheena had tried to make another movie with the mass hero, although his efforts turned futile. Murugadoss narrated a script to Ajith, but the Aarambham star had rejected it since he wasn’t too contented with it.
As informed by Murugadoss, he has prepared new script, but not the one that was rejected by Ajith. Apparently, Mahesh Babu has signed the film with Murugadoss, since he opines this movie is going to take his trade value to next level.
Mahesh Babu’s last outing Srimanthudu grossed over 100 crores. What the Mahesh and Murugadoss duo is targeting with the project which marks their first collaboration?
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