Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone had first fuelled speculation about her possible Hollywood debut by sharing a picture with Vin Diesel where she was seen hugging the Hollywood hunk while looking at the camera mysteriously. As per reports, Deepika is finalized to play one of the lead roles in XXX: The Return Of Xander Cage that will also have Asian action stars Tony Jaa and Jet Li starring in other important roles.
There were reports that Deepika had turned down Diesel’s “Fast and Furious 7” to accommodate dates for her 2014 release “Happy New Year”. Now, the actress could allot call sheets as the news of Deepika being part of the upcoming sequel of XXX franchise is official.
Off late, Hollywood filmmakers are keen on casting Bollywood and other Indian star actors in their films. In fact, they have a reason for this. Presence of an Indian actor will automatically provide good trade in the country. Likewise, Bollywood’s current top actress Deepika Padukone is big add-on for XXX: The Return Of Xander Cage.
Deepika Padukone achieved hat-trick hits in 2015 with Piku, Tamasha and Bajirao Mastani. Fortunately, all these films showed the slender babe in influential roles. One thing for sure is Deepika will rock Hollywood too with her maiden venture!
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