Two Mega young heroes, Sai Dharam Tej and Varun Tej, are all set to greet Mega fans within a gap of one week. Sai’s Subramanyam For Sale is releasing on 24th September, while Varun’s Kanche is all set to release on 2nd October. Both the films will be releasing amidst heavy expectations from fans and buyers.
Both the films have cashed on the craze well in the pre-release business in Telugu states and as per the latest trade reports, Subramanyam For Sale is sold for a handsome 1.10 crore to the overseas distributors. On the other hand, Varun’s Kanche has been reportedly sold for 1.25 crore to its overseas buyers.
While both the figures may not sound too huge, it is indeed a whopping amount, considering the budding image of both these young Mega heroes. For comparison, Nani’s latest hit, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, was sold for just 55 lakhs and it already collected close to $1 million (6.5 crores).
At the times when Charan’s Bruce Lee was sold for 6 crores in overseas, looks like even Sai and Varun are catching up with their stardom abroad. Another advantage for both the films is that Subramanyam For Sale was shot majorly in the US and this will help local audiences relate to the film better and thus the craze will be good during its release.
And for Kanche, the striking World War II backdrop has already raised curiosity among the US audiences, who mostly prefer watching sensible films. So, it’s advantage Sai and Varun in overseas.
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