Pawan Kalyan has replaced Opposition leader YS Jagan in the fight against the ruling TDP and BJP. Jagan clearly missed out a great chance to take the advantage of the tussle between TDP and BJP. Pawan’s move to form a JAC to fight for the rights of the AP by including neutral forces such as Jayaprakash Narayan and Undavalli Arun Kumar is a welcome move. This was a golden chance Jagan has missed. Had Jagan announced such Joint Action Committee, it would had been a huge mileage to him and his party.
Pawan playing the role of Opposition is a laudable move. This is what the entire people of AP is wanting for. Even after 4 years in power, both TDP and BJP combined couldn’t do justice to the new state.
While TDP may blame BJP for the ‘inaction’ and BJP may not want to “fulfill” promises as it doesn’t want TDP to walk away with the credit. Whatever may be the political reasons for TDP-BJP combine failing to fulfill promises, both couldn’t meet the expectations of AP.
At the same time, Opposition Jagan Mohan Reddy too miserably failed in the last 4 years to take serious fight on BJP and TDP on the promises unfulfilled. Of course, Jagan has his own reasons. Jagan doesn’t want to mess with Modi or BJP as he is battling with several cases that are being investigated by the national agencies. This forced Jagan into a “pause” and only blame Chandrababu for all the “inaction” that is pending from the Centre.
Taking the advantage of all the prevailing conditions, Janasena’s timely move is a great political chance for Pawan. Yes, no doubt, Pawan Kalyan has responded very late on the budget and the ongoing injustice to AP, but his last response but latest response is a well-conceived political plan. This is expected to storm Janasena into a new league in political arena. But conditions apply. All that is possible only if Pawan really executes this JAC well.
On the whole, Jagan is the loser.
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