Nandamuri Balakrishna, who is currently shooting for his 100th film ‘Gauthamiputra Sathakarni’ has already announced his 101st film ‘Raithu’.
To be directed by Krishna Vamsi,’Raithu’ will highlight the plight of farmers in the Telugu states. An interesting aspect of this project has come out now. The story of ‘Raithu’ is provided by Priyadarshini Ram, who has worked as Editor of ‘Sakshi’. Ram is a close aide of Jagan YS, who is an arch rival of Balayya endorsed TDP. Balayya accepting the story of Jagan’s aide has become a talking point now.
Few opine that Balayya might not have known about Ram’s involvement in the script when he accepted the subject, which was taken to him by Krishna Vamsi. Moreover, Balayya fell in love with the serious subject so he might not care much about who the script provider was. For him, Krishna Vamsi is the go-to man for his 151st film.
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