Former Irrigation Minister Devineni Uma has come down heavily on CM Jagan Mohan Reddy over his meeting with Telangana CM KCR. Finding fault with Jagan for not talking about the linking of Godavari and Krishna rivers, Uma reminsced that 263 TMCs of water has been diverted to Krishna through Pattiseema.
Uma questioned Jagan on stopping the works of the linking of Bahuda- Vamsadhara-Nagavali rivers. He asked Jagan that why is he so angry with Uttarandhra region and its people. Demanding a reply from CM Jagan on why he has stopped the works of irrigation projects belonging to Uttarandhra region, Uma said the move is not good for the farmers of the state who would be at the receiving end.
“Godavari-Penna river linking works have been stopped. Vaikuntapuram barrage works across the Krishna river have also been stopped. What mistake the farmers of Rayalaseema do to stop the linking works of Godavari and Penna rivers? Riverse Tendering doesn’t have any relevance once AP border is crossed. AP government should retain its right over the 512 TMCs of water. Why Jagan is silent on Karnataka and Maharashtra state governments who are trying to increase the Almatti gate height,” said Devineni Uma who shot a series of questions.
On parting note Devineni Uma said he is proud to say that he has worked under Chandrababu Naidu and said he will say proudly till his death.
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