Sai Dharam Tej’s Jawaan might have been opened moderately well compared to the previous releases in November. However, the film still has to go a long way. With 13.2 Crore world-wide gross in the first weekend, Jawaan earned a distributor share of 7.85 Crore (includes Thursday premieres and BO figures of Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
However, the film has to earn another 7 to 8 Crore share to become a safe project. But, the collections on Monday were not so encouraging. Since the next week doesn’t have major releases, the makers are hopeful of picking up.
On the other hand, the producers of Sree Vishnu’s Mental Madhilo have not given up their hope. Even they are hopeful that the film would pick up. While the word of mouth and reviews are good, the film hasn’t collected as expected. Yet, it is learnt that the makers are in profit zone given that the film is made in tight budget with proper planning.
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