In Andhra Pradesh, tensions have surfaced at the local level despite the alliance between the TDP and BJP. One of the main figures in the controversy is JC Prabhakar Reddy, the former TDP MLA from Tadipatri in Anantapur district. JC recently made critical remarks about BJP leaders, particularly female leaders, leading to a heated exchange.
The situation escalated further when BJP senior leader and Minister Satya Kumar Yadav responded to the comments. Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, JC Prabhakar Reddy took the initiative to apologize. For the first time, he publicly expressed regret, saying, “I spoke in haste and said things in anger. This was wrong, and I apologize.” His apology was directed at BJP leader and actress Madhavilatha, and the matter seemed to cool down afterward.
Speaking to the media on Sunday, JC clarified that his words were a mistake and that he had no personal ill will toward anyone. He emphasized that his primary concern remained the development of Tadipatri and stated, “The people of Tadipatri are my army.” He reassured the public that his efforts were solely for the welfare of his constituency.
Regarding speculation about his potential defection, JC firmly dismissed the rumors, asserting that he would not leave the TDP under any circumstances. He praised Chandrababu Naidu for his resilience and success, saying, “Chandrababu faced many hardships and achieved victory, and I will continue to stand behind him.” While Naidu worked for the state’s progress, JC reiterated his focus on Tadipatri’s development, underscoring that his actions were independent of any other leaders.
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