The other day, Junior NTR’s father, Nandamuri Hari Krishna created a sensation of sort attending a government program in a car of YSR Congress MLA, Kodali Nani. There are rumours from few months that Hari Krishna may dump Telugu Desam Party and join YSR Congress Party.
So it became a point of discussion. Now more rumours are erupting about Hari Krishna and his son, Junior NTR. They say Hari Krishna is planning to float a new party NTR Telugu Desam Party and make his son, Junior NTR as the face of it.
He seem to be banking on NTR’s film popularity here. Hari Krishna previously floated a party and failed to run it. Junior NTR extensively campaigned for TDP in 2009 elections. But for some reason, terms are not good between him, the party and Nandamuri family after that.
NTR also distanced himself from campaigning in 2014 elections. Hari Krishna was also denied Hindupur MLA seat and is also not given a Rajya Sabha seat renewal.
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