The Municipal administration minister K.T. Rama Rao’s goal is to make Hyderabad with water surplus city on the lines of power. Rama Rao also stated that to meet the increased water demand in the city, HMW and SSB has been taking steps to implement the projects immediately from time to time from Krishna and Godavari rivers, as the source of Krishna Phase I, Phase II and Phase III and Godavari Phase I schemes.
He said the government has directed the Water Board to form two new reservoirs with the storage capacity of 20 tmc feet each at Keshapuram in Ranga Reddy districts with the Godavari as the source and another at Devalamma Nagaram which is near Malkapur village in Nalgonda district with Krishna at the source.
Godavari drinking water supply scheme Phase I has already been commissioned and their goal is to make the Hyderabad water surplus, which was said by Rama Rao and he has said and to make the city water surplus scheme.
He said the government would also ensure that the drinking water to 190 villages along the Outer Ring Road and all the 12 municipalities around the Hyderabad spending 1,900 crores through Hudco and other agencies. As the present water crisis and has said the drying up of water at Osmansagar, Himayatsagar, Singur and Manjira was looking alternative sources like Krishna and Godavari.
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