Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali is all set for a grand release on July 1st. The producer had announced that the movie will have its audio launch on June 12th in Chennai and it is going to be a big fat event with who-is-who in India attending. The Telugu audio launch event however will happen at a later date in Hyderabad.
The recently released First Look Teaser set the World of Youtube on fire and shattered all the records. The movie is also titled ‘Kabali’ in Telugu and is most likely to have simultaneous release in both the languages.Radhika Apte is the female lead in the film. Rajinikanth will be seen in the role of an aging gangster in the movie.
Ranjith Pa is wielding megaphone for the movie. Kalaipuli S Thanu is producing the film on V Creations banner. Santosh Narayan is composing music for the film. Rajinikanth do not have proper success after his 2010 film, Robot and so he is keen to bagging success with this film releasing in July.
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