Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali has collected a massive $13 Million in the first weekend of its release in the Overseas creating an All Time Indian Record. The movie has collected about $4.05 million in US and Canada while grossing $4.25 million in the Far East which includes Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines.
There is still Europe, Oceania, Africa and parts of Middle East to come. Then the movie had collected more than $2.25 Million in Gulf and has broken all the records in Sri Lanka, making it a $13 million weekend. With this, Kabali has smashed all weekend records for a film from India which was previously held by Dhoom at $10.32 million
By early estimates, Kabali has crossed 200 Cr gross at Worldwide Box Office for the Opening Weekend despite all that negative talk and reviews. The movie just sustained and came all this way on the brand value of Rajinikanth. The real test for the film will begin from today as the Working days begin.
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