Superstar Rajinikanth’s highly anticipated film Kabali teaser has already broken all the records in India. Now, the video set a benchmark in Asia continent. It is the first film in Asia to record 25 million views in single YouTube channel. Rajinikanth fans across the globe have started trending various hashtags on Twitter and Facebook to celebrate the milestone set by their matinee idol. Indeed, this is the only video content released by Kabali makers hitherto.Santhosh Narayanan’s background score was major highlight in the teaser, besides Rajinikanth’s stylish appearance and electrifying dialogue delivery.
Kabali Tamil audio was launched directly into markets without any function, by virtue of Rajinikanth’s ill health. There was confusion over release date. Seems like, all the confusions surrounding the project are cleared and the movie is set for release on July 22nd.A grapevine in Kollywood is abuzz with reports that Kabali will have special premieres on July 21st evening in major cities across Tamil Nadu. Thus, record openings are guaranteed for the film.
Billed to be gangster-drama film written and directed by Pa Ranjith, Kabali stars Taiwanese actor Winston Chao in negative role, whilst Radhika Apte will be seen as Rajinikanth’s wife.Kabali will be simultaneously released in Singapore, Indonesia, China, Malaysia and few other territories alongside Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi versions.
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