Kajal agarwal is now not at all happy with media and she is fighting with media from a long time regarding fake news and issues with her sister’s marriage. Kajal Agarwal is not quite happy for her sisters early marriage which will also bring an end to her career, Kajal hoped a lot from Nisha agarwal and asked many directors for her debut.
But all of a sudden she brings out love issues and plans for a marriage, but sentiments in Kajal agarwal house say that if Nisha gets married before her elder sister Kajal gets married then that might be problem for Kajal in many ways and to recover from those problems Kajal and family visited Sri Kala Hasti temple this week.
But Kajal trashes this news saying that can’t I go to visit temple? It’s our family who decided to go to temple just for my better career and good projects in future. Nisha is not related in any of this issue says Kajal to media. She also suggests media to confirm before writing such baseless news.
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