Kajal Agarwal now belongs to one breed of heroines who have 2 100 Crore movies for her first two movies. Her debut Bollywood movie, Singham had raked in as much as 125Crore and now her second Bollywood film, Special 26 which released on last Friday opened to tremendous positive talk and reviews. The movie started slow at the box office and is steadily increasing its performance. Several trade analysts are predicting it to be another entry in the 100Crore club. If it happens, Kajal Agarwal may be the only heroine who has two consecutive 100Crore movies. We will have to see if this achievement turns her diary busy in Bollywood!
Kajal is currently pairing up with NTR in Baadshah. She will also be romancing Allu Arjun as both of them do a cameo performance in Ram Charan’s upcoming movie, Yevadu.
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