After a war of words erupted between singer Dilijit Dosanjh and actor Kangana Ranaut about her misleading tweet on Punjabi old woman, many others took a stance to condemn Kangana. Twitter spat triggered with Shaheen Bagh protester Bilkis Bano but soon lead to name calling, Punjabi identity, the Delhi riots and even terrorism.
A lawyer sent a legal notice with regards to her disrespectful remarks, which was followed by another PIL by Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) in response to her deleted tweet.
After which another petition was lodged in Bombay High Court against Kangana Ranaut on Thursday. The petitioner sought the suspension of the actress’ verified Twitter account for causing outrage and spreading hatred.
“Plea filed against Kangana Ranaut in Bombay HC for getting her Twitter account @KanganaTeam suspended for ‘spreading continuous hatred, disharmony in the country and attempting to divide the country with her extremist tweets.’ @TwitterIndia @OfficeofUT #BombayHC,” tweeted the legal portal, Bar & Bench, from their verified Twitter account.
She retaliated by taking a jibe at protesters labelling them tukde gang and said twitter is not just one platform where she can opine.
“Ha ha ha I am continuously talking about Akhand Bharat, inevitably fighting tukde gang every day and I am accused of dividing the nation.” She added in the tweet saying proudly 1000’s of cameras appear before her to take the statement.
Ha ha ha I am continuously taking about Akhand Bharat, inevitably fighting tukde gang everyday and I am accused of dividing the nation ?
Wah!!! Kya baat hai, anyway twitter is not the only platform for me in one chutki thousands camera will appear for my single statement ?— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) December 3, 2020
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