Even as the latest Telugu blockbuster, Nagarjuna-starrer Oopiri creates waves across Andhra Pradesh and beyond, Karan Johar has purchased the remake rights for the Hindi version.
Oopiri itself is a remake of the French film The Intouchables, which is about the warm camaraderie that develops between a wheelchair-bound billionaire and his male caregiver.
According to a report published in DNA, Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has bought the Hindi remake rights of Thozha. The cast and crew of the Hindi remake are yet to be decided.
Nagarjuna, who is happy about the development, has told the daily,”I am really happy Karan Johar bought the remake rights. Would I be in the Hindi film? I don’t know. That’s up to Mr. Johar. I am just happy to have done the two versions in Telugu and Tamil.”
He also added that the film would have not happened without the suggestion of his wife Amala. He said that she was the one to suggest him the idea of remaking The Intouchables.
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