In a strategic move, Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao’s daughter and Telangana Jagruthi President K Kavitha has come in support of the ‘Special Status’ movement undertaken by Andhra Pradesh youth. She has also expressed her readiness to join the stir for the welfare of AP people.
Kavitha reminded that the people of AP were assured of special status to the residual state after the bifurcation. Saying that Special Status is essential to AP for its development, she has extended the full support of TRS govt. in the fight of AP people. She also offered to join forces with AP MPs for raising thier voice in New Delhi.
She said the AP people should also fight for division of High court as the Telangana government has been demanding for the speedy completion of long pending issue. The Jagruthi leader will also raise the division of high court before the centre in the budget session begins February.
Kavitha’s support for the movement will definitely boost the morale of AP youth whereas the state govt. may find it indigestible. TS youth is already supporting the movement by creating awareness on social media.
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