Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday felicitated and announced a cash reward of INR 2 Crore for Hyderabadi gymnast Budda Aruna Reddy, complimenting the historic bronze-medal victory in World Gymnastics Tournament in Melbourne, Australia. The Chief Minister also ordered the officials to provide the financial assistance to her coach Brij Kishore.
Accompanied Aruna Reddy and her family members were state sports minister Padma Rao, Sports Authority Chairman (SAP) A Venkateshwar Reddy and others. The 22-year old Aruna, who won a bronze medal by finishing third, has delivered her ravishing best in the tournament with an average score of 13.699. While the gold (Slovenia’s Tjasa Kysslef) and silver (Emily White ahead of Australia) finished it with 13.800 and 13.699 respectively.
This victory not only gave Aruna Reddy a bronze medal and the state government’s cash reward, it also saw her becoming an inspiration for many young girls in state who’re aspiring to make big in the field of sports. Having won her first national medal in the year 2005, Aruna Reddy went on to win several medals in following years but she was short of sponsors and support.
Aruna, who was in for a grand welcome in Hyderabad after winning the medal on February 28, will be participating in the 2018 Commonwealth games in Gold Coast, Australia in April this year.
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