As expected, KCR’s close aide, trusted confidante T News MD Joginipalli Santhosh Kumar has been nominated for the Rajya Sabha from the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS). The other two nominees include Banda Prakash Mudiraj, Badugula Lingaiah Yadav. The three candidates will file their nominations tomorrow.
After discussing with party MLAs at the legislature meeting held in Telangana Bhavan on Sunday afternoon, KCR has announced the names of the three candidates for Rajya Sabha. As per norm, the candidates have been introduced to MPs, MLAs and MLCs.
While the elections are going to be held for 3 seats in Telangana, TRS has nominated the three candidates hoping that it would easily win all the three seats without any difficulty. KCR has chosen three candidates from diverse sections and balanced the act.
Meanwhile, KCR and senior leaders of TRS have also discussed on the agenda of the party and its strategy in the legislative Assembly during Assembly session.
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