The Telangana CM and TRS boss K Chandrasekhar Rao has gone into history as the only CM who delivered a power point presentation in Assembly to clarify his stand regarding the redesigning of irrigation projects in Telangana state. This happened few weeks back which gained lot of attention.
This attracted wide interest and curiosity towards what the CM spoke about and especially even his rivals were full of praises regarding his skill in using Google Earth and Maps to prove his point. But there is also another interesting update which has now surfaced.In this regard, as part of his recent interview, this time to Andhra Jyothy, the CM reportedly revealed that he has been assisted by an IT engineer called Lokesh whose picture was also published. He is reportedly a resident of Achampet in Mahabubnagar district.
He was an employee of Apple in the past and he met KCR for the first time in 2010 and since then he has been assisting the CM. After 2014, he resigned from Apple and is now a full time assistant for the CM of Telangana. The very mention of Lokesh raised eyebrows but now everything is cleared.
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