KCR Trains Guns At Modi, Says BJP Policies Detrimental To Country’s Progress

TRS President and Chief Minister Sri K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday declared that the TRS is all set to launch a countrywide agitation against the anti-people, anti-farmer and anti worker policies of the NDA government led by the BJP. He also announced that a conclave of the main Opposition parties’ leaders in the country would be held here in the second week of December. Sri KCR said the Narendra Modi government had done precious little in its governance for the past six and half years and on the contrary, with its wrong policies and false propaganda has pushed the country into regression. Since the Congress is pursuing action less politics, the responsibility to stand up and fight against the anti-people BJP policies was rest with the other political parties. The TRS President alleged that the BJP led NDA government was wilfully withdrawing its investments in the major Public Sector Undertakings and ensuring that they are go into the hands of the private Corporate Companies. He said that the TRS would support the employees, staff and workers of these PSUs who have declared that they oppose the draconian policy unitedly.

The joint meeting of the TRS Legislature Party, TRS Parliamentary Party, and GHMC Division Incharges was held under the chairmanship of Sri KCR at Telangana Bhavan, the TRS head Quarters here. Speaking on the occasion, Sri KCR emphasised the need to fight against the BJP policies at the centre, which are proving to be detrimental to the development of the country. The TRS party Chief expressed his party’s resolve to oppose and stand up against the anti-people policies of the NDA government.

“There is a unique trend that is happening the present political scenario in the country. The BJP is trying to paint a lie into truth by repeating the lie a hundred times. The BJP led NDA government, which did nothing for the people in the last six and half years, is indulging in propaganda that it did a lot to the people. It is hurling charges and baseless allegations on individuals who are working for the people. The BJP has turned the social media into anti-social media and spreading lies. It is whipping the sentiments of people. This is the precisely the reason why one should openly oppose and fight against the BJP. TRS party will create awareness among the people, enlighten them and will wage a fight against the wrong policies of the BJP,” the TRS President said.

“Till date, the BJP led NDA government under the prime ministership of Sri Narendra Modi has not done anything, not even a single programme or policy for the welfare of the people at large, farmers, Dalits, Tribals, weaker sections, Workers or any section of the society. At the time of elections, they evoke sentiments of the people by referring to Pakistan, Pulwama, Kashmir only take a political mileage. They whip sentiments of the people and try to divide people on the religious lines. They try to instigate communal clashes and get political benefit out of it. Except these things, they have not done anything for the country. They unleash propaganda that they have done something at the borders. At the same time they have no guts to fight against China. But they indulge in a great propaganda declaring that they have done something. They can create hype with attractive slogans like Beti Bachao Beti padhao but in practice they do nothing. The BJP propaganda campaign is like an empty vessel that makes loud sound signifying nothing.

“Our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had established several Public Sector Undertaking with a lot of foresight. People have been getting lot of benefits through these PSUs. But the BJP government at the centre is weakening these PSUs, disinvesting in them and handing them over to the private corporate entities. When AB Vajpayee was the PM under the guise of Disinvestment policy have began destroying the PSUs. During the Vajpayee regime a special ministry was created for only Disinvestment. Noted Journalist Arun Shourie was the minister. The Vajpayee government when it formed its first government disinvested in Seven PSUs. The next government formed by Dr Manmohan Singh disinvested in three other PSUs and continued the BJP policy of disinvestment. Now Modi government has disinvested in as many as 23 PSUs! The present day NDA government is handing over these PSUs to the private corporate entities. Narendra Modi government has not launched even one PSU. On the contrary it is closing down the PSUs. This policy will do a lot harm to the country, its people, lakhs of employees, staff, workers working in these PSUs,” the TRS President has expressed anguish.

“If the loss making PSUs are closed down or privatized, one can understand. But what is the logic or reason behind closing down or privatizing the profit making PSUs? Indian Railways is the four largest and biggest railway network in the World. The Indian Railways have 65,000 KMs rail network. It is providing employment to lakhs of people. It is serving crores of people on a daily basis. Even during the peak Corona Pandemic period, the railways have served the people. Where is the need to privatize such a railway? PM Modi, who claims that he sold tea on the railway platform during his childhood, is selling the railways now. How will one understand such retrograde policies?” Sri KCR questioned.

“Among the pride of India is the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). This is the largest insurance company in the world. It is like a golden Goose. It is a PSU having 40 Crore-policy holders and has Rs 30 Lakh Crore assets. It arranges funds for the states when they are in need. In 2020-2021 Central Budget LIC dividend is shown as Rs 2,600 Crore. The Rythu Bhima Policy of the Telangana state government has been implemented effectively by the LIC. The compensation is released within ten days. Where is the need to privatize such an organisation, which is important and need of the hour? If LIC earns profits it will benefit the country. But if foreign Insurance companies earn the profits it will not befit our country as no one knows where they transfer the profits,” Sri KCR explained.

“Along with the Indian Railways, LIC, the Modi government is disinvesting in a big way in PSUs such as BHEL, NTPC, BSNL, Defence, BPCL who were called the Nav Ratnas and which are very prestigious to the country and paving way for their privatization. In this year’s Budget, the Modi government wanted to raise Rs 1 Lakh Crore through the disinvestments. Lakhs of employees of these PSUs were agitating and they are demanding that these PSUs should not be privatized. The TRS party has decided to stand by them and support them. By uniting other Opposition parties in the country, the TRS would launch a relentless fight against the Modi government and its attempts to privatize the PSUs and will protect the OSUs in the country,” Sri KCR said,

“Due to the inefficient policies of the Congress which was in power at the Centre till recently and BJP which is in power for the last six and half years, the country could not make any progressive in the economy sector. All over the country there is more than four lakh MWs generation capacity but we are only utilising 2.20 Lakh MW of power. We are unable to utilise the rest of 2 Lakh MWs capacity. About 70,000 TMC of water is available in the country and we are unable to utilise it. People in the country are still waiting for drinking water and water for cultivation. Water wars became order of the day among the States. No one has the intelligence to utilise the available water. The Country’s GDP rate has fallen to a record depths at Minus (—24). The country’s GDP including the proposed increase has reduced by 31 per cent. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are in a better position than our country in GDP rate. If Modi government continues, even Nepal’s GDP will surpass us. China, which had less GDP rate than our country in 80s, is now the second biggest economy in the world. But our country, due to wrong policies, inefficiency, inept handling and failure to prepare firm policies of the Central government, the country is regressing,” the TRS President lashed out at the BJP.

“It is now a bygone conclusion that the BJP government under Modi can do nothing to the people or their welfare. It has done a lot of injustice towards farmers and agriculture sector by brining in new Farm Bills. It is doing a lot of harm to the PSUs and its employees and workers by its disinvestment policy. It is dividing the people by whipping communal clashes. It is trying to get the political benefit by instigating people and triggering their emotions. It is not at all good and useful for the country. This method will not suit well-being of our country. The Main Opposition party, Congress, which is supposed to fight against the BJP, has fallen flat and has not clue how to oppose the BJP. Even after 70 years of independence of the country, there is no change in the situation in the country. The country has witnessed the entry of terrorism Naxalism and the desired change for better never came. Slogans like Garibi hatao came but the poverty remained. Both the Congress and the BJP have failed to show any direction to the country and they are like the Bade Bhai following the Chhota Bhai. Hence, the TRS is taking the onus on it and showing the required and needed initiative. The TRS is trying to get all the other Opposition parties in the country under one roof. I have already spoke on this regard with West Bengal CM Ms Mamata Banerjee, Kerala CM Sri Vijayan, Delhi CM Sri Arvind Kejriwal, Odisha CM Sri Naveen Patnaik, DMK Chief Sri MK Stalin, UP, Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka former CMs, Sri Akhilesh Yadav, Sri Shard Pawar, Sri Prakash Singh Badal, Sri Kumaraswamy, CPI and CPM leaders. We have decided to work unitedly to fight against the BJP policies. A Conclave would be held in the second week of December with these leaders in Hyderabad. In the Conclave, we discuss the movement to be launched all over the country. We will discuss the direction and progress the country should be made. We will stand by the farmers, workers and other sections of the society who were becoming victims of the wrong policies of the BJP,” Sri KCR clarified.

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