Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s grandson and IT Minister K Taraka Ramarao’s son, Himanshu is all set to become a hero. He is acting in a short film being made for the Tourism department of the United Nations Organization (UNO). Along with Himanshu, youngsters of six other countries will also star in this short film.
The short film had its formal launch this morning at Prasad Labs, Hyderabad. This short film is intended to create awareness against corruption and superstitions. Telangana’s official representative in Delhi, Venu Gopalachari and others have attended the event. The short film is of 6-10 minutes duration.
Manoj Chopra, Asian Strong Man is the villain in the film. Film has various stunts and it fights against illegal transportation of children, corruption, crime, smoking etc. Himanshu will start shooting from March, 22nd. The short film is titled ‘Super Heart’. Himanshu hit headlines couple of weeks ago by doing hulchul in secretariat and entering into CM KCR’s chamber and other ministers’ chambers along with his friends when KCR was out of the state in Delhi for meeting with PM Modi.
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