Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has put the entire opposition on tenterhooks again. Though he disappointed all by not announcing the dissolution of the state Assembly as anticipated by the opposition and also the media in public meeting held on Sunday, the entire political circles in Telangana are eagerly waiting to see the TRS supremo’s next political move.
The entire state administration is already gearing up towards early elections. On the instructions of KCR, all the departments are busy finalising the proposals to be placed in the next cabinet meeting to be held in September first week most in 6 th of this month.
The MLAs of all political parties are also requested to forward the proposals for sanction of new works and also the release of funds immediately. Given the present circumstances, leaders said KCR has made up his mind to dissolve the Assembly before September 10 and request the Election Commission to go for early elections.
KCR is of the strong view that TRS will win hands-down if he goes for early elections. After the assembly elections in the poll bound Rajastan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Mexican, the TRS chief is predicting the entire political situation in the country will change as the winning prospects of Congress is ample. If he fight elections in April, the poll results in four states will affect his winning prospects.
Leaders said KCR decided for early elections but the CM is mulling several options before dissolving the assembly. Opposition leaders said openly the Pragati Nivedana Sabha was a big flop but they are ascertaining the political situation and studying KCR political strategy internally.
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