Since it is election year, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has come out with some innovative welfare schemes to allure people in support of his TRS party. On the eve of Independence day on August 15, KCR announced the launch of three more flagship programs targeting farmers, backward communities and all people suffering from eye related ailments.
He will launch ‘Kantivelugu’ (Eye screening test) in Village in his native Medak district after taking part independence day celebrations. The CM will also launch officially farmers insurance scheme aiming to provide Rs 5 lakh Insurance coverage to the family.
The third scheme is extending loans to BC communities up to 100 per cent subsidy. All the ministers and his party legislators were asked to stay in their respective segments and take part in the implementation of the three schemes on a single day on August 15. With this, the total number of welfare and developmental schemes crossed 200 in the state.
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