When Megastar Chiranjeevi’s ‘Khaidi No.150’ was running successfully in theatres across the Telugu states, we have informed how the super hit songs of the film attracted audiences repeatedly to theatres. Now, the same mantra is being used on Television to attract TV viewers to this non-Baahubali industry hit.
The first TV premiere of Khaidi No.150 was held on 29th May. Despite the IIFA Utsavam was being aired during the same time on another channel, TV viewers reportedly preferred to watch the Mega tsunami.
Interestingly, two of the most popular songs from the film – ‘Ratthalu Ratthalu’ and ‘Ammadu Lets Do Kummudu’ were repeat telecast, no need to tell how joyous the viewers were. This is said to be the first time in the history of Indian television that two songs from a film were repeat telecast. Megastar is indeed changing the way films are aired on TV.
Chiru had ruled youtube as well as box office with Khaidi No.150 and he is expected to shatter the existing TRP records on TV as well.
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