Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film, Khaidi No 150 had a rocking start at the box office on its release day. The movie had registered some very huge numbers in all the areas across the globe. In several areas, the all time records were rewritten setting up new benchmarks for films to come.
The Boss is Back euphoria is similar from Anakapalle to America. The movie has collected $1251K from its Overseas Premieres. It was a whisker away from All Time Record for Overseas Premieres. Baahubali – The Beginning holds the record having collected $1382K from its Premieres. But still, the performance is just phenomenal and unbelievable.
The movie has to get to 2.5 Million Dollars Gross for the breakeven mark and that should not be difficult given the decent Word of Mouth. Some mega fans even expect the movie to get there by this weekend itself. Anyways, Khaidi No 150 stunned everyone with the first territory itself.
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