Kiccha Sudeep, a versatile star from the Kannada film industry, was recently honored with the Best Actor award by the Karnataka State Government for his performance in the movie Pailwaan. However, in a humble gesture, he declined the award, citing personal reasons for his decision to stop accepting awards.
Taking to X, Sudeep expressed his gratitude towards the government for the recognition, saying, “It is a true privilege to be selected for the state award in the best actor category. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the esteemed jury for this honor.”
He then explained the reasons behind his decision to decline the award, stating, “For several years now, I have chosen not to receive awards for personal reasons that I wish to uphold. There are many talented actors who pour their heart and soul into their craft, and they would value this prestigious recognition far more than I would. It would bring me more joy to see one of them receive it.”
Sudeep further emphasized that his dedication to entertaining audiences has always been driven by passion, not the expectation of awards. He added, “This acknowledgment from the jury alone serves as a significant boost for me to continue striving for excellence. I am truly grateful to each jury member for selecting me. This recognition, in itself, is my reward.”
He concluded with an apology to the jury members and the state government for any disappointment his decision might cause, expressing hope that his choice would be respected and supported.
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