Former chief minister of combined Andhra Pradesh Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy, who returned to the Congress party fold recently, is learnt to have dampened the spirits of some of his party leaders who want to indirectly back the Telugu Desam Party in the next elections to take on the Bharatiya Janata Party.
At a meeting of the senior party functionaries held in Vijayawada on Thursday, Kiran reportedly made it clear that the Congress should go it alone in the next elections in AP, without supporting any party or taking support of any other party.
When a senior leader suggested that the Congress should declare YSR Congress party chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy as the main enemy, since the latter is allegedly hand in glove with the BJP, Kiran said: “Why only Jagan? Even Chandrababu Naidu is our enemy. Let us not single out any leader. The Congress should treat all the other parties as its political rivals.”
Some leaders are said to be of the view that the Congress should adopt a soft approach towards the TDP, since it might join hands with the Congress party at the national level after the elections.But, Kiran opposed such an idea, stating that the Congress would have to go on the back foot, if it supported the ruling party.That is why, after the meeting, AICC general secretary in-charge of AP affairs Oomen Chandy declared that the Congress will not have any alliances in AP and will fight the elections alone.
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